Brother’s story

"The mutual respect with staff at Your Place is definitely one of the things that has helped me move forward with my life. "
This story starts when I got divorced back in 2006. I lost the house that we owned together, and for years after I was renting. My last landlord evicted me with very little notice, and I had to go through the police and the courts to get my belongings back.
The process was very stressful but after reporting myself homeless to the council, I was eventually referred to Your Place. I’ve been in this country for 43 years, and it was distressing to become homeless after calling London home for so long.
I arrived at Your Place with just one bag on my back, and I was worried about joining shared accommodation, as I’m older than most of the residents, but to some extent we all had a shared experience. The staff understood me and understood where I was coming from. They explained everything to me, and helped me feel at home.
When I became homeless, I also lost my job, but the team at Your Place supported me to get back into work. I was working in construction; long hours, but it was good to be able to come back to my own space, where people are friendly and staff were supportive.
I’m the sort of person who keeps myself to myself, but I was encouraged by my key worker to make the most of what they could offer, even things like helping me arrange and attend meetings and appointments. The mutual respect with staff at Your Place is definitely one of the things that has helped me move forward with my life.
When I retired, I was entitled to retirement sheltered accommodation, and so now I’m in my own place in East London. I am ever so happy, I really love the place I’m in now, and I have great neighbours.
Your Place helped me get started in my new flat, with things like bedding, food, and even a laptop, so I can stay in touch with people and not feel left behind.
God bless Your Place. They have been a huge support to me, and the way they help people is wonderful. They will always be so important for people like me who have nowhere to go – and there are a lot of people in my shoes. There’s nothing as important as having a roof over your head, and space of your own to think.