Abuse is when someone does something wrong to you that hurts you, frightens you or makes you unhappy.
Physical abuse
This is when someone hurts your body. It could be by hitting or kicking you.
Sexual abuse
This is when someone touches you in places you don’t want them to, makes you touch them or have sex with them.
Emotional abuse
This is when people say or shout nasty things to you which hurt your feelings. They might call you names, laugh at you, threaten you or ignore you. This could happen in person or online.
This is when someone takes or steals your money or belongings without asking, or controls how you use these things.
This is when people treat you unfairly because of your gender, age, religion and belief, disability, race or ethnicity and sexual orientation.
This is when you are not being looked after properly by others. It can be when someone does not let you have your medication, food and heating.
This is when you are not looking after yourself properly. It can be when you do not look after your health, hygiene or surroundings.
Modern Slavery
This is when someone forces you to work for them and treats you badly. This could be cleaning, cooking or jobs in a home. They might stop you from leaving the job.
Domestic abuse
This is when anyone aged over 16 experiences abuse from someone who is or has been your partner or family member. It can also include forced marriage.
Organisational abuse
This is when an organisation provides poor care. This could be one-off incidents and ongoing bad treatment.