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How to move on

Your move-on options will depend on how you came into our services. If you need support for a longer period after being in one of our intensive support services, we will refer you into a ‘step down’ service after a period in a higher support service. This will help you prepare for independence and your forever home.

If you have been sleeping rough and were issued a CHAIN number we will refer you to Clearing House. This will be self-contained accommodation with ongoing floating support to help you if you have any problems after you have moved.

If you are not eligible for a Clearing House referral our Move On team will help you to access private rented accommodation.

  • Our Move On team works with a range of private landlords, services and social housing agencies to help find and secure properties for you while you stay at Your Place.
  • Our Move On team will go with you to view properties to help ensure that the property is a good fit and of suitable standards.
  • We will keep in touch with you for six months after in case you need further support.

Speak to your support worker or the Housing Service team to discuss how we can support you further.

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